Minneapolis Common Roots Café 8:30 - 10:00 (note the time is earlier than the others) 2558 Lyndale Ave. S Minneapolis 612-871-2360 For more information contact Ayumi Stockman Ayumi.stockman@mpls.k12.mn.us 612-618-8533
West Suburban Metro Hopkins Crossroads Starbucks Highway 7 between 169 & 494 For more information contact Jodi James jodi.james@breckschool.org 763=381-8359
East Central Minnesota Caribou Coffee (next to Crossroads Center) 4010 Division St., St. Cloud Contact Naomi Pilantz Naomi.Pilantz2isd742.org 320-266-2103
Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures
PO Box 11926, St. Paul MN 55111
Information: president@mctlc.org Membership and Fall Conference Registration: membership@mctlc.org or registration@mctlc.org Technical inquiries: webmaster@mctlc.org