Travel Photography for Language Teachers
June 14th - Creative Image Composition
July 12th - Exposure & Light Conditions
Join MCTLC’s Kimerly Miller as she guides you in creating compelling and unique images. These digital photography workshops will provide you with an exceptional learning experience to improve your skills to get ready for your upcoming travels. The workshops are suitable for participants with no, little or some experience about photography as well as for amateurs and budding photographers who wish to expand their knowledge. At the June session you will be receive a fun field assignment to bring images back to work with in July. Kim will show you how to create and craft each image to generate maximum impact that ultimately leads to being able to create images with your own personal unique vision and voice.
Registration Fee: $10 per session - attend one or both
1. Know your camera. ANY camera can be used, even your camera phone. 2. Bring your camera gear. 3. Submit your goals and questions for Kimerly when you register.
Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures
PO Box 11926, St. Paul MN 55111
Information: Membership and Fall Conference Registration: or Technical inquiries: